About this Report


Since 2013, Mitr Phol Group has been publishing the Sustainability Report intending to disclose to stakeholders its sustainability performance, which covers three dimensions: economy, social, and environment. The report is based on the Global Reporting Initiative Standard GRI following the CORE disclosure format (102-54) for operation disclosure, covering January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022.

The reporting period of this report has been adjusted due to changes in the officially operational cycle from 1 November to 31 October of the following year. However, such an adjustment does not significantly change our performance.


Scope of this report (2-3)


This report presents the performance of Mitr Phol Group's and its subsidiaries' performance within Thailand. The information is divided into seven business groups: two farming companies, 11 sugar manufacturing companies, 49 energy companies, 8 wood substitute material manufacturing companies, 4 fertilizer manufacturing companies, 7 logistics and warehouse companies, and 11 other companies. This report describes the economic, social, and environmental performances that account for 100% of Mitr Phol Group.


List of Companies within the Scope of This Report (102-46)  


Identifying Materiality and Scope of Report


Mitr Phol Group’s Sustainability Report 2022 provides an insightful narrative across three dimensions: economy, society, and environment. We have reviewed and prepared new updated issues that conform to business operations, that is the likelihood of global trends and sustainability challenges affecting food and beverages, electricity, and wood substitute materials. Additionally, we conducted a stakeholder survey to ascertain their expectations for analysis, assessment, raising concerns, and determined and prioritized the materiality related to sustainable growth. The significant materialities will be integrated into the organization's risk management process to develop risk management and cover more throughout the organization. The significant materiality is prepared and reviewed annually.

The selection of important issues and scope of impact consists of 4 procedures as follows:


Step 1: Identification


The Sustainability Development Division has collected major sustainability issues throughout the entire value chain in 2021 for review, taking into consideration impacts and potential situations related to stakeholders within the value chain. The review covers economic, social, and environmental issues as well as human rights issues, global trends, sustainability issues related to sustainability assessment of international organizations, conformity to the important issues of the food industry and beverages, electricity, and innovative wood substitute materials from around the world, analysis of stakeholder's expectation survey regarding the sustainable development and conformity to GRI Standard: Agriculture Aquaculture and Fishing Sectors 2022.


Step 2: Prioritization


The sustainability issues selected from Step 1 are prioritized based on the Materiality Test, which is screened from 2 perspectives, including impact levels and the likelihood of impacts on stakeholders. The matter is discussed with senior executives. In addition, this year we have applied Double materiality to assess significant issues throughout Mitr Phol’s value chain to be able to carefully consider the organization’s impact on social or environment, and significant impacts on our organization’s value drivers. It helps to manage and improve the material issue that stakeholder concerns in a thoughtful, timely, benefit and long-term stakeholders value creation.





Step 3: Determining scope of reporting material topics


Mitr Phol Group determines the scope and considers the audit of reporting of 18 material topics by collecting data from departments and stakeholder groups related to such issues.


Click Further Information about Determining scope of reporting material topics



Step 4: Verification(102-32)


Significant issues are verified adequately by the Sustainability Development Unit and proposed to Mitr Phol Group's Sustainability Committee for approval and annually verified by a third-party assurance provider.



Additionally, we conducted an assessment of positive and negative impacts on external stakeholders resulting from our business operation.  For instance,


  • Climate Strategy 

Climate change potentially cause global warming, which impacts natureal, economic and social systems. Additionally, customers are committed to be Net Zero and drive their organization to reduce GHG emissions along the value chain. So low carbon products are essential to them for contribution on GHG emissions reduction. To reduce the impacts to stakeholders, we develop programs to improve energy efficiency in production process, promote renewable energy, develop products and packaging that reduce GHG emissions, conduct reforestation, and collaboration with suppliers and customers to reduce GHG emissions. Externality impacts include reducing environmental impacts due to avoided emission in products, decreasing human hospital fee from avoided emissions, etc.


  • Supply Chain Management - Development Program with Sugarcane Farmers

Sugarcane farmers are main suppliers to supply critical raw materials to Mitr Phol. To retain the farmers to supply canes to us and help them to gain more income, we work closely with the farmers by providing farming advice, irrigation support, technological support, and financial assistance. We provide the training to farmers through Mitr Phol Modern Farm to enhance farming efficiency, boost productivity, and minimize operational costs. This program also helps to increase volume of fresh cane cutting and reduce fuel consumption, which contribute to GHG emissions reduction. Externality impacts include improve quality of life for sugarcane farmers to gain an income from increasing cane productivity, reducing GHG emissions due to reduction of burnt cane cutting, decreasing human hospital fee due to reducing air pollution, etc.




Information enquiry (2-3)


    If you require more information or would like to make a suggestion, please contact:

    Sustainable Development Department, Corporate Sustainability Division

    Mitr Phol Group

    2 Pleonchit Center, 3rd floor, Sukhumvit Rd., Klongtoey, Bangkok, 10110

   Tel: +662 794 1651

    Email: sustainability@mitrphol.com